Cassie Rosner - Web Design Portfolio

>> Hello, world!

>> Welcome to my landing page! :)

>> Scroll through to view completed projects



Web Development Foundations

HTML Tags and Elements; HTML Structure; CSS Setup; CSS Selectors; CSS Visual Rules (selectors, properties, values); Folder structure; Chrome DevTools; Git Workflow and Repository initialization; Command Line Navigation


Display & Positioning

The Box Model (borders, paddings, margins); CSS Display (position, z-index); Flexible Box Layout (Flexbox)


Responsive Design & Browser Compatibility

Sizing elements; Media Queries (screen-size break points); User Agent Stylesheet Reset; Polyfills


CSS Documentation & Debugging

Documentation and research (Mozilla Developer Network [MDN], Stack Overflow)


Design & UI Feedback

CSS colors (RGB, HSL, hex codes); Color theory; Typography (serif, sans-serif, monospace); Non-user fonts (Google Fonts); Typography theory; Pseudo-class selectors; Transition animation; Font Awesome; Favicons; Accessibility and ARIA


Foundations of JavaScript

Bootstrap; JavaScript (data types, methods, functions, arrays, loops, objects); jQuery (API documentation, Event handlers, AJAX Requests, plugins); Test-Driven Development